
Sr. Audrey makes her First Vows as a Bernardine

So what is a vocation?

Literally a vocation is a calling from the Lord. Could religious life be for you? Maybe you would be interested to hear from some of our sisters, young and old, who have been called to the Bernardine way of life.  In England we have 1 junior at Hyning.

In the Bernardine Order in the various communities, we now have several juniors, novices, and postulants at various stages in their religious formation. Audrey joined us in December 2017 and became a novice in October 2019 and a Junior in October 2021. We have 1 sister in formation at the moment, at Hyning. Sr. Reina made her Solemn Profession on the 10th of October 2021.

Sr. Audrey during her Profession ceremony with Sr. Mary Helen, Prioress General

Sr. Audrey during her Profession ceremony with Sr. Mary Helen, Prioress General

Come and See Weekends are held each year. Please contact hyningbookings@yahoo.co.uk for more details. The next one is in April 2025.

Please click here for help on vocation discernment in general.

The gallery below will show you some images of a profession in Goma. 

When Jesus' first disciples wanted to know how he lived, Jesus invited them to 'come and see'. It is the same today. The first disciples were not perfect, neither are we!

All that is needed is a willingness to grow in faith and respond to the grace God gives you. The best way to understand monastic life is to spend time sharing the life, prayer and work.

If you feel God is calling you to the religious life and need some help discerning God's will, contact Sr. Mary Helen at Hyning or email helenajackson273@gmail.com

Part of novitiate life is exploring one's gift from God. This involves exploring different aspects of community work.  Irene joined us 7 years ago and is now Sr Reina. She took her vows of religious profession on the 8th October 2016. Her story can be found here.  Please click to follow her story.

The video gives you a brief introduction of our our life and prayer as Bernardines.  It contains clips from our sung Offices and images from our monasteries around the world.