We had home grown spinach for lunch yesterday ….and there was enough for a second helping……!!!!
See how the seedlings are doing………..
Spinach and leeks……..
Rocket and mixed leaves……..
We had home grown spinach for lunch yesterday ….and there was enough for a second helping……!!!!
See how the seedlings are doing………..
Spinach and leeks……..
Rocket and mixed leaves……..
The tomatoes are self-isolating………….
…..but not the peppers, pumpkin or squash……….!!!
The lilac and honeysuckle smell wonderful………
……the peonies are on the point of bursting forth…….
Thank you for your prayer throughout the Community Retreat. It was a week blessed with glorious sunshine and excellent Retreat talks on: ‘Be Expanded’, Prayer, Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Silence, Suffering, Community/friendship, Generosity, Joy.
Our annual Community Retreat starts at Vespers today until Sunday 26th…..
Usually our two Communities would have been together at Hyning this year to share the week, but each Community is self-isolating. We are VERY grateful to our Retreat priest, Fr John Udris, for his daily talks which will be sent to us as an video file each day.
Please keep us in your prayers…..we will be remembering you in our prayers…..
We continue to upload a recording of our Morning Office - this week it will be available from 8.20 on the welcome page of this website.
S Reina prepared our Easter Candle this year. She explains the symbolism below the photos…….
Meaning of the Easter Candle this year:
The outer layer in gold symbolises the Glory of Our Risen Lord, which in our worldly life is still overshadowed by our weaknesses and frailty which is why we have a second layer, the light yellow, as if the gold is overshadowed by clouds.
Both layers are in oval - symbolising the glory of the Lord which surrounds the 'roundness' of our world. The circle shape itself symbolises eternity where beginning and end meets.
In the middle, as a focal point, there is the red cross. The red colour symbolises Christ's passion, his blood poured out to wash away our sins. It is also the colour of the blood of our brethren shed in the midst of present conflicts and wars. It is also the sacrifice of many who at this moment of pandemic are giving their lives to save others'. All of these are united in and being carried by the cross of Christ which has become for us the symbol of victory.
On the edges of the cross, there are tints of black marks which symbolises our brothers and sisters who have gone before us, especially those inflicted by Covid-19.Again, they too are being carried by Christ and brought into His Glory.
In the middle of the cross, there are two chains, vertical and horizontal, constructed by small and large ellipses. This symbolises all the nations, large and small, rich or poor, developed or developing, trying to work together to contain the pandemic.
The "coronavirus" crowns the Alpha and Omega, meaning that Christ who is the Beginning and the End, is with us at this moment of pandemic, and that the pandemic will surely come to an end, as well as all kinds of sufferings in our world. The time will come when Christ will come as our Lord and King, wearing the crown of true glory.
Enjoy these photos………….
The Emptiness of the sanctuary…….
The Promise of New Life in the Spring garden…….
A child once asked ‘What is ‘good’ about Good Friday?
How would you reply?
Hint: A one word answer, 4 letters beginning with L - - - ?
A stripped sanctuary wall…..can you see where the crucifix was?
…..now uploaded on the Welcome page………keeping united in prayer throughout this Triduum…..
From today, Wednesday 8th April, we are uploading a recording of the day’s Morning Office of Lauds onto the Welcome (Home) page of this website.
No hand-held palms this year so we created a simple road up to Jerusalem………’Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road, and others cut branches from the trees’ (Matt 21)
If you are a young Catholic adult between the ages of 18 to 35ish, you may be interested in joining the recently formed Young Catholic Adult Network (YouCAN) WhatsApp Group. There are already nearly 70 in the group from across the country who share their Faith and pray together. To join, please send your mobile number to Rina at rinabird@outlook.com
We begun this lovely feastday with the following intercession at Lauds:
“Loving Father, we praise you for Our Lady’s availability to your work of salvation. Give us the grace to be generous in our daily ‘Yes’s”.
As we remember God’s work of salvation in the Incarnation, we think of Mary, who entrusted herself in faith, with courage and humble simplicity, to the Lord’s working in her life.
Following her example and confident of her intercession for us at this present time, we too are called to surrender ourselves to the God of Love repeating, perhaps just in a whisper, our ‘Yes’ for what He wants for us today and each day…….
Beeches Green • STROUD • GL5 4AA • (01453) 762442
* stroud.immaculateconception@cliftondiocese.com 8 stroudcatholicchurch.com
Parish Priest: Fr Gary Brassington gary.brassington@cliftondiocese.com
Deacon: Steve Bentley Tel: (01453) 751101 Parish Administrator: Marilynne Morgan Tel: 0784 249 5988
Parish Safeguarding Representative: Caroline Rush *: PSR.stroud.immaculateconception@cliftondiocese.com
Lent Week 4 Psalter: Week 4 & Proper of Season
Lectionary: Sunday Cycle Year A, Weekday Cycle Year 2
Sunday 22nd March
1Sm 16: 1,6-7, 10-13; Ps 22; Eph 5:8-14;
Jn 9: 1-41
Monday 23rd March
Weekday of Lent
Is 65: 17-21; Ps 45; Jn 4:43-54
Tuesday 24th March
Weekday of Lent
Ez 47: 1-9, 12; Ps 45; Jn 5:1-3,5-16
Wednesday 25th March
Is 7:10-14; Ps 39; Heb 10:4-10;Lk 1:26-38
Thursday 26th March
Weekday of Lent
Ex 32: 7-14; Ps 105; Jn 5:31-47
Friday 27th March
Weekday of Lent
Wis 2: 1,12-22; Ps 33; Jn 7:1-2,10,25-30
Saturday 28th March
Weekday of Lent
Jer 11: 18-20; Ps 45; Jn 4:43-54
Sunday 29th March
Ez 37:12-14; Ps 129; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45
Diocesan Prayer Link: We pray for the parishes of Sacred Heart, Chew Magna and St Pius X, Withywood.
Public Mass is currently suspended at the churches of The Immaculate Conception, Stroud and Our Lady and Saint Thérèse, Painswick.
We pray for all those within our parish and their intentions: including the communities at the Monastery of Our Lady and Saint Bernard, Brownshill and More Hall, Randwick; and all those connected with our schools.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives sight to a man born blind. First, he can see physically and then with the eyes of faith. We too, through baptism, have been given the eyes of faith, but we can struggle to see what it is that God is asking of us. Through our sinfulness, we can find ourselves overwhelmed by darkness. Jesus longs to bring us out of this darkness. He wants to open our eyes, our minds and our hearts to the compassionate and merciful love he has for us.
Lent gives us this special time and opportunity for facing our darkness and seeking once more the light which heals and forgives. Walking in the light of Christ, we walk in freedom and we walk in hope.
Your prayers are asked for those who are housebound, residing in nursing homes, ill in hospital or sick:
Antonietta Lazdans, Colin Keegan, Vivienne Tarn, Sarah Williams, Jean Barber, Helen Hursthouse, Christopher Browne, Gerardo Capaldo, Michael Flint, Clare McDermott, Margot Williams, Gisele Smart, June & John Privett, Olivia Bouzyk, Raphael Moore, Brian O’Donoghue, Mary Grant, Finley, Nicky Golder, Ursula & Desmond Kyne, Imelda Kucharzyszyn, Kitty McCoy, Lisa Knight, Pat King, Francis Kerrigan, Rebecca Frazier, Lucia Mirkovic, Monika Smit, Joan O’Donoghue, Sr Quentin, Peter Ollis, Peter McCombie, Anne Allen, Sr. Catherine, Daryl Jackson, Lola Long, Grace Harper, Jamie Watt, Maggie, Thea Gregson, Gwen Kimpton, Peter Tay, Woody, Ann Enright, Jill Chapman, Janie Wilmot, Kevin Sivell, Rian Harvey, Theresa Finneran, Niall Walker, Cecilia Redgrave, Christopher & Clifford Browne, Victor Vincent, Bevan, Stephen Carden, Murray Dolan, John Stephens, Phyllis Bruton, Marilyn Anderson, Chris Strong, Kate Thorley, Amanda Mullins, Pilar, Paul O’Keith, Simon Terry, John Cibulskas, Anna Dowdeswell, Stephen & Paul Coupe, Anthea Van Venroy, Maisie McGinley & all their carers.
To add a name to this list please contact the office or email/phone the Editor
– please ensure you have the agreement of the sick person
We pray that the Church in China may persevere in its faithfulness to the Gospel and grow in unity
In common with the other bishops of England and Wales, Bishop Declan has issued a decree in light of the current Covid-19 situation. Within this decree it is clear that:
· The obligation of the faithful to attend Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation is removed until further notice.
· All churches and chapels, as well as other places where regular Sunday and weekday public Masses are celebrated, are to suspend all public Masses.
· The faithful may choose one of the following alternatives to attending Sunday Mass:
o Taking part may include watching a Sunday Mass online, or on television, and so receive Holy Communion spiritually; OR
o Reflecting on the Sunday Liturgical text, reading the Bible or saying the Rosary
The decree also asks that churches ‘remain open, especially on Sundays, for individual private prayers, without any organised services, and offering prayer before the Blessed Sacrament’. Consequently, the church of the Immaculate Conception will be open every Sunday, at least from 10:00am until 12:00 noon. This week it is hoped that the church will be open for some time each weekday, and it should definitely be open on Tuesday from 10:00am until 3:00pm and Wednesday from 6:00pm until 7:30pm. Over the coming weeks it is hoped to extend the guaranteed times.
A possible form of prayer for use when Mass cannot be publicly celebrated can be found at https://www.cbcew.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/03/No-Mass-A4.pdf. Copies will also be left at the back of the church.
Sunday and daily Mass readings can be found at https://www.universalis.com/mass.htm.
There will be Sunday Mass and weekday Mass from Clifton Cathedral available online. Details will be available at www.cliftondiocese.com and should be included in next week’s newsletter.
Father Gary will be offering Mass privately during this time as ‘the continued celebration of Mass ensures that the faithful can join in spiritual communion with the priests of the church.’
While the parish administration will continue, access to the parish office will be restricted to appointment only. For those matters normally dealt with by the parish office please use the parish email or telephone number 0784 249 5988 (Tuesday to Friday 10:00am – 3:00pm). The normal parish telephone number should be used to contact Father Gary.
All parish groups and programmes are suspended until further notice.
There will continue to be a weekly newsletter available at the church and on the parish website.
Please speak with Father Gary regarding any other aspects of parish life or sacramental celebration.
First Holy Communion Programme: Congratulations to those who celebrated First Reconciliation on Wednesday. The First Holy Communion programme is suspended until further notice. At this time, it is uncertain whether it will be possible to celebrate the First Holy Communion Mass on 27th June.
200 Club: The next draw has been postponed. There will be more information in the coming weeks.
Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary takes place on Sunday 29th March:
This will be celebrated around the country on this day. The rededication prayers can be found at https://www.behold2020.com/s/Prayers-of-The-Rededication.pdf. There are also copies at the back of the church. These are ideally used at 12:00 noon on that day but, may be used at any time.
Light a Candle of Hope: A National Day of Prayer and Action has been announced by Churches Together England regarding the coronavirus epidemic. This Sunday 22nd March 2020 at 7:00pm we are being asked to light a candle in the windows of our homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer.
We remember in our prayers Francisco Herrero who died recently. We also pray for his family and friends.
Editor: Richard McDermott, email: rj3mcd@yahoo.co.uk or by post; NB: To avoid disappointment, items for inclusion in the Bulletin; MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY MORNING at the Parish Office.
Clifton Diocese (a Company Limited by Guarantee) Registered Company No: 10462076
Registered Charity No: 1170168 Registered Office: St Ambrose, North Road, Leigh Woods, Bristol BS8 3PW
@stroudRCchurch: Keep up to date with parish news by following us on Twitter
The weekly Parish newsletter can be downloaded from the Parish website:
Click here: Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Stroud
Listen to Bishop Declan’s message for our Diocese of Clifton…….(20th March)