Christian retreat information

Online and In Situ Christian Retreats led by Donna Worthington. Donna is a long time friend of Hyning and recently led a superb creative writing day for us at Hyning in February.

For bookings, please see the website or contact Donna Worthington:

All retreats cost £20, unless otherwise stated.

MARCH 2023

(ONLINE) LENTEN JOURNEY| Into the Wilderness, Jesus’ final words in his Farewell Discourses, waiting with him in Gethsemane.

Monday 6th March 10am-1pm

(IN SITU) LENTEN JOURNEY| Into the Wilderness, Jesus’ final words in his Farewell Discourses, waiting with him in Gethsemane.

Saturday 11th March 11:30am -3:00pm

Venue: Our Lady of Lourdes and St Gerard Majella RC Church, Brownedge Rd, Lostock Hall Preston PR55TA. Cost £20. For bookings, please contact the Parish office: 01772 335387 or email:  Places are limited.

APRIL 2023

A JOURNEY WITH VAN GOGH | ‘There is nothing more artistic than loving people’ and ‘What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?’ These quotes from the artistic and wounded genius Van Gogh, are just some of the windows into this retreat which will offer creative, reflective sessions to deepen our humanity and spirituality. 

Saturday 15th April 10am-1pm

MAY 2023

(ONLINE) PENTECOST | The divine fire and the call to go forth into a life based on freedom and hope.

Monday 15th May 10am-1pm

(ONLINE) GETTING CREATIVE! | A five week course on Creative Writing. 7-9pm. Cost £80

Monday evenings: May 1st, (NOT the 8th), then 15th, 22nd, 29th, June 5th. 7-9pm. This is a general course on creative writing. We’ll explore nature as a meditative window into writing and explore key writing strategies to deepen our understanding of character, dialogue, structure, dramatic action, the use of archetypes, how to evoke responses in readers / audiences etc. No writing experience at all is necessary to join this course, just a willingness to enjoy exploring creative writing!

JUNE 2023

(IN SITU) THE PRACTICE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD | Br Lawrence’s wisdom on prayer as part of our daily lives.

Wednesday 7th June 11:30am -3:00pm

Venue: Our Lady of Lourdes and St Gerard Majella RC Church, Brownedge Rd, Lostock Hall Preston PR55TA. Cost £20. For bookings, please contact the Parish office: 01772 335387 or email:  Places are limited.

(ONLINE) LEARNING FROM NATURE | We seek the divine through Creation…

Sunday 4th June 2-5pm

JULY 2023

(ONLINE) ‘’I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’’. | We explore Jesus' compelling words. Saturday 1st July 10am-1pm

(IN SITU) LECTIO DIVINA | An ancient monastic approach, being led by the Holy Spirit through Scripture.

Monday 3rd July 03-07-23 11:30am -3:00pm

Venue: Our Lady of Lourdes and St Gerard Majella RC Church, Brownedge Rd, Lostock Hall Preston PR55TA. Cost £20.  For bookings, please contact the Parish office: 01772 335387 or email:  Places are limited.

(IN SITU) OCTOBER   EARLY NOTICE! One of the evenings will be at Hyning.,date tbc.

THE WOMAN AT THE WELL (John 4:1-42)| An invitation to journey to the well, to Christ the Living Water.

7pm-9pm Evenings in October 2023:

At Jacob’s well, Jesus broke strict rules of his time in order to reach a woman who was struggling with past relationships, exclusion and isolation; he listened to her in a non-judgmental way, saw her huge potential and she was transformed, finding her own confidence and her own voice. We will explore this intriguing Gospel passage, which helps to illuminate our inner soul journeys and offers an invitation to walk to the ‘well’, to Christ the One who restores us. The retreat will include a short theatre piece, discussion of the Gospel passage, Ignatian guided prayer based on the beautiful journey to the well and a short presentation of guitar music, words and candlelight.

Posted on February 23, 2023 .