Cross Bay Walk

Anyone interested in doing a Cross Bay Walk Saturday 30th May with priests, religious, young people and friends of Hyning and Boarbank? Ring Hyning for details! Balloons provided!


Posted on May 25, 2015 .

May Days

At the moment, we are preparing to welcome St.Peter's Primary School from Lancaster for a few  days retreat. Last weekend we had St.Anne's from Royton for a retreat led by Sr.Michaela on the incarnation. 

Irene was pleased to receive 3 Indonesian visitors over the past few weeks. Julia was also here with her family; so we have had some international visitors which always helps us to broaden our perspective on what's happening in the world. 

We have praying particularly for the people in Nepal and of course for the new Royal Baby: Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. 

Posted on May 4, 2015 .

New Bernardine!

After the good news of a national surge in vocations across the country last week, the good news continues for us.  Many of you will know Julia from Germany, who was with us as a volunteer for 2 years. This last year she has been working in Glasgow as a Vincentian volunteer.  Julia will start her postulancy as a Bernardine on the 19th August. We will have 1 junior, 1 novice and 1 postulant! Please pray for all three of them on their formation journey and for more to join them...

Posted on April 28, 2015 .

Retreat time

It is a quiet time here at the moment as most of the sisters are in retreat.  5 of the Brownshill sisters are here and several of the oblates are sharing in some of the days. The retreat is being led by Fr. Terence O.S.B of Ampleforth Abbey.  

Posted on April 16, 2015 .

Sr.Mary is 90 !!!

Today Sr.Mary celebrates her 90th birthday! Her brother, Terry (86) came with his family to celebrate with her. This was the cake made by Maureen Calnan, one of our oblates and we had tea and cake with them this morning.  Ad multos annos! 

Posted on March 30, 2015 .

Lend us, O Sweet Virgin Mary


Lend us, O Sweet Virgin Mary

Those eyes which see the Heaven’s Light

That invites the eyes of God

To look upon your lowliness


Lend us, O Sweet Virgin Mary

Those ears which listen obediently

That brings favour to God

To proclaim the Word Incarnate


Lend us, O Sweet Virgin Mary

Those nostrils which breathes gently

That delights the Creator of Existence

To breathe on us the Saving Life


Lend us, O Sweet Virgin Mary

Those hands which softly care

That touches the Hand of God

To feed the hungry and poor


Lend us, O Sweet Virgin Mary

Those feet that firmly ground

Which brings the haste of God

To lift up the weak and lowly


Lend us, O Sweet Virgin Mary

That mind so straight and simple

Which opens the path to reveal

God’s love which will not fail


Lend us, O Sweet Virgin Mary

That heart so pure and bright

Which radiates the promise of God

To bring us home, as once foretold


Lend us, O Sweet Virgin Mary

Your ‘Fiat’ and ‘Magnificat’

Which will guide throughout our lives

To sing forever the ‘Ave ‘ and ‘Salve’

Posted on March 24, 2015 .

Events coming up...

Reminder that there is a card making day on Tuesday 10th March.  Monday 9th March is the oblate day and Maureen Ryan Craig will make her first promise as an oblate on that day.  The icons course is the week after, staring on the 16th and the Spiritual Scrap-booking weekend is on the 27th March.   Have a look at our programme page for more details....

Posted on March 5, 2015 .

Important notice!

If you are trying to contact Hyning or any of the sisters in the next 24 hours it would be better to phone. Computers are being replaced so very possibly the internet access will be affected. If not urgent, it doesn't matter. Hopefully by Mon evening all will be normal again.  I will post on here when possible to give an update.  Sunday 9th February.

Posted on February 8, 2015 .

Former Students reunion

The Bernardines of Hyning and Brownshill invite you to attend a joint reunion for Slough and Wycombe former students at St. Bernard's Catholic Grammar School on Saturday 25th  April 2015.  This includes:

A tour of the school 1 pm 

Mass of Thanksgiving for the life of Sheila McGovern  2 pm

Picnics can be brought from 12:30 pm onwards and the official Reunion is from 2 pm onward in the school Hall

News of the Bernardine Sisters 3:30 pm 


Contact Sr Mary Bernard for more details


Posted on February 2, 2015 .

Talk on the Camino

For anyone in the Morecambe and Lancaster area Elizabeth and Sr. Michaela will be at St. Bernardette's church, Lancaster at 7pm Thursday 29th January for a talk on the Camino. ( Elizabeth is doing the holy bit and I am operating the PowerPoints and reflections!)

Posted on January 28, 2015 .


After several weeks of closed time we are about to re-open.  The house has been cleaned, some basic maintenance done and there has been peace and quiet in the guesthouse!  However, we are looking forward to the guests coming back and life returning to normal.  Check our programme page for the up-coming events....

Posted on January 28, 2015 .

Life is a Litany - Still in the Beginning of the Year

In the midst of windy and cloudy weather, perhaps it might be a good thing to have a minute or two, contemplating about how life works generally and how we react upon it. Surely some of us might agree that life is like a litany.


Life is a litany

Some are repetitions, some changes

Life is a litany

Some are routines, some developments

Life is a litany

Some which are repeated are passed by, some which are changed are contemplated

Life is a litany

Some routines are gone through, some developments are observed

Life is a litany

Some which are similar are considered ordinary, some which are distinct are considered extraordinary

Life is a litany

Some are searched, some are discovered

Life is a litany

some stayed, some went

Posted on January 12, 2015 .

Happy New Year

Only 5 days late but Happy New year!  We are now enjoying a few weeks of 'closed time' but we don't forget to pray for you and all your intentions.  Times of Mass and Office may vary so it is worth ringing up and checking to be sure over the coming weeks.  Mass is at 9 am, Tues - Friday this week.  

Posted on January 5, 2015 .

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Merry Christmas every one! We are grateful to have all of you. Thank you for bringing and sharing Christ into our monastery. Thank you for making his presence known by your presence among us.

This year we have the privilege to receive and share our Christmas blessings with around 30 guests. Along with the friendly and cheerful gesture from each other, the house maintained its prayerful atmosphere which brings more blessings for those in and around the house. At the moment, we are still welcoming several guests who will be spending the New Year with us.

We invite you to pray with us for peace in the world as you scroll down and take a look at our cribs around Hyning. We hope that all of you will have a great and blessed New Year to come.

"Gloria in Excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus, bonae voluntatis!"



Posted on December 31, 2014 .