Phones will be off 10 am - 12 pm Tues 13th April, apologies for any inconvenience.
Happy Easter
Happy Easter to all our guests, families and friends. It is still strange with no guests but things are beginning to open up in the country and so also for us. We have some people who come for public worship. If you would like to come to Mass, please contact for details. Offices are being streamed, usually Vespers and Vigils. All the community are doing well and are safe. Most of us have been vaccinated except the 2 youngest!
Yesterday we had an Easter Egg hunt. How well do you know our garden???
Pamela's funeral
Pamela's memorial service will take place tomorrow at Hyning. The crematorium service is private but the service for the celebration of her life will be streamed at 1:15 pm onwards from the Hyning Chapel page and via the website,
Pamela Wallis R.I.P.
Most of you will know by now that Pamela, a long time friend of Hyning and a former student of St. Bernard’s, Slough passed away in January. Many of you would have been greeted by her at the door or met her in the Dining Room. She will be greatly missed by our community, and she had a special place in our heart as she was the person who found the house for us. Obviously under the Covid restrictions it is impossible to hold a public funeral. There will be a memorial service for her on Monday 22nd February in our Chapel and it will be live streamed through our website and Facebook page from 1:15 p.m. approx. on that day, after the crematorium service. The time may vary by a few minutes.
Stations of the Cross
Each Friday in Lent we are offering Stations of the Cross in Lent. They will be streamed through our Facebook page - add Hyning Chapel as a friend, or join our group, Bernardine Cistercians or like our page, Bernardines. Or through a Zoom link. You need to email or message for a Zoom link. We will let you know which way it will be streamed each week.
11:00 a.m. each Friday in Lent
Lent retreat
Living the Paschal Mystery today – Zoom retreat day
The dates: Saturday 20th February and Wednesday 24th February 2021
The timetable for the day: (both days)
10.15 a.m. Welcome and short prayer – Sr. Elizabeth Mary
10.30 a.m. – 11a.m. “Job and the Mystery of Suffering” … talk by Sr. Michaela followed by 10 minutes for comments or questions.
11.10 a.m. approx. Break
11.30 a.m. – 12 p.m. “Temptation and Redemption” … talk by Sr. Josephine Mary
12.15 p.m. Midday Office, livestreamed from the chapel
The sisters doing the presentations in the morning will also leave you some questions to think about. These questions will be taken up in an informal and optional discussion from 2.15 p.m. - 3 p.m.
3.15 p.m. – 4 p.m. “Arise” … talk by Sr. Mary Stella and she will leave you with some thoughts to take away with you at the end of the day.
At 4.30 p.m. each day, the sisters pray silently in chapel for all those affected by the Covid crisis. Those who wish are invited to join us for that time, which will be followed by Vespers, both live streamed from Chapel, closing our day together.
We would ask you to book in for the day you would like to follow. Please contact Sr. M Bernard on or 01524 732684 before Thursday 18th February if possible.
There will be a voluntary contribution of £10 or £15* for the day, but we would not want anyone who wishes to join us to be left out because of finances.
*If you choose the £15 option, we are also offering 2 follow up discussion sessions on 10th March and 24th March on Zoom at 6 – 7 p.m. each evening. This will be an opportunity to share on Lent and other ideas from the retreat, especially if you need support on your Lenten journey. These need to be booked when you contact Sr. Mary Bernard.
Catholic Voice
If you follow this link you will find news about the Diocese of Lancaster.
February news - advert for Boarbank
Living Laudato Si’:
Your Parish and Your Planet
Zoom Retreats in 2021
12th-16th March & 16th-19th April
(led from Boarbank Hall, Cumbria)
WHY? Faith is the place to start.
WHAT? Understanding is the place to start.
HOW? Sharing experience is the place to start.
WHEN? Now is the place to start.
WHERE? Your parish is the place to start.
WHO? Are YOU the place to start?
What will happen? A long weekend of talks and discussions on zoom, and practical activities, on living the message of Laudato Si’ in and through your parish.
Who is it for? Any interested parishioner is most welcome to join us. The weekend is aimed especially at people with parish responsibilities or who are part of or want to start a relevant parish group.
Timings Sessions will be on Friday night, Saturday morning and night, Sunday afternoon and night and Monday night (leaving people free during the day on Monday).
Speakers include:
Trish Sandbach, who worked in Oxfam Education for many years and led St Benedict’s, Garforth, in the Leeds diocese, to winning a Livesimply award. She is also an assessor for the LiveSimply award
John Paul de Quay and Ellie Margetts, founder members of the Ecological Conversion Group and Journey to 2030
Sr Margaret Atkins, an Augustinian Canoness at Boarbank Hall in Cumbria, a teacher of philosophy and theology, with a lifelong interest in the natural world, and author of Catholics and Our Common Home: Caring for the Planet in a Time of Crisis (CTS).
Archbishop John Wilson and Bishop Peter Brignall (March) and Archbishop Bernard Longley and Bishop Marcus Stock (April) will begin and end the weekends with prayer and reflection.
Panel discussions with a range of experts for sharing advice on practical projects.
Cost - voluntary donations gratefully accepted, but there will be no fee for the weekend.
To apply, simply email Sr Margaret Atkins on
Phone system
Thursday 26th November is the changeover day for the new phone system, we are moving from BT to Jabbatalk. Apologies if there are problems while the transfer is taking place and while we learn a new phone system. The phone number is the same.
Voice online and more sales....
We hope all of you are keeping well in the wet and chilly November weather and keeping your spirits up with the lockdown. Just a brief note to say a newsletter will be coming soon. Also, still crafts and jams etc available to buy.
If you want to keep up to date with events in the diocese, please click for The Voice online.
Advent Retreat day on Zoom
The dates: Thursday 3rd December and Saturday 12th December 2020
The overall theme will be HOPE, much needed at this time!
The timetable for the day: (both days)
10.15: Welcome and short prayer - S Elizabeth Mary
10.30 – 11am: S Michaela will give a talk on the Scriptural aspects of hope. This will be followed by 10 minutes for comments or questions.
11.10 am Break
11.30 – 12 pm: S M Stella will present “Our Lady of the Sign”. Again there will be a few moments for comments and questions.
12.15pm Midday Office, livestreamed from the chapel
The sisters doing the presentations in the morning will also leave you some questions to think about. These questions will be taken up in an informal and optional discussion from 2.15- 3 pm.
3.15 – 4pm: S Josephine Mary will give a talk on Hope in the monastic tradition, and she will leave you with some thoughts to take away with you at the end of the day.
At 4.30 pm each day, the sisters pray silently in chapel for all those affected by the Covid crisis. Those who wish are invited to join us for that time, which will be followed by Vespers, both live streamed from Chapel, closing our day together.
We would ask you to book in for the day you would like to follow. Please contact S M Bernard on or 01524 732684 or 01524 989380 before Monday 30th November if possible.
There will be a voluntary contribution of £10 for the day, but we would not want anyone who wishes to join us to be left out because of finances.
Live streaming
Hopefully Vespers will follow soon but we are now live streaming Vigils. if you are on Facebook you can watch live or after by going to Hyning Chapel which has a public profile to view the Office. if you are not on Facebook you can watch on this site by going to Vigils on the Prayer page. It is not a performance but hopefully an aid to prayer!
November 13 th
We are delighted to be able to welcome you into our Chapel for a time of prayer, peace and silence……
The Chapel is the place where the Community come together to pray several times each day. As some of our Sisters are ‘vulnerable’, we ask you to respect the following to minimise risks to their health and to yours……..
10.15 – 11.45 a.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays
2 – 3.30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays
· By arrangement with S M Bernard – please do not simply turn up as that time might already have been booked.
· Please do not come if you have tested positive, should be self isolating according to the government’s guidelines, have any one of the symptoms of Covid 19 or have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for or has any one of the symptoms of Covid 19.
· Please give indication of timings so that others can come before or afterwards within the same slot.
· Please come around the right side of the building to the Chapel door and ring doorbell
· Please wear a face covering at all times as our sisters (some of whom are very ‘vulnerable’) use the chapel 5 times each day.
· Please use hand sanitiser provided
· Please give your contact details on arrival – these will be kept for 3 weeks.
· Only one household at any time will be welcomed.
· You will be escorted into Chapel – we ask you not to touch anything on your way in/out (door handles etc)
· Please take red chair, place it where you like in front of the tabernacle and replace chair afterwards – with the sign provided.
· We ask that any conversations with Sisters be kept strictly outside in accordance with government legislation.
Contact details for S Mary Bernard: 01524 732684, 01524 969380
October 2020
Like most people we have been following the news recently to find out what level of lockdown we fall into and work our way through the range of restrictions on everyday life. At the moment we are still closed, in local lockdown and continue to live our everyday monastic life. The following link will lead you to an article by the sisters on the Conference of Religious Website. Hyning We are continuing to expand a fairly simple range of jams and marmalade during this time. Also we are selling pebble art and crafts. If you are interested please contact Sr. Michaela or Sr. Mary Bernard for more information. The slideshow below will give you a small hint of gifts to come!
We do not forget our friends and families, our guests and oblates at this time. We pray for you all often and for the needs of this suffering world.
September 2020
Normally September would start the new Bernardine year in the guesthouse and we would be advertising a whole range of events. This year everything is a lot different and we are still waiting for guidelines to ensure everything is safe for us and guests. We are looking at using the time to update building work etc. So at the moment we will remain closed for large residential groups and events. We will update you as soon as possible when we make decisions.
In the meantime our new community is getting used to living together. Our new superior, Sr. Elizabeth Mary, is settling in and has already got lots of ideas to move forward. Sr. Reina is getting used to being back at Hyning after 2 years at Brownshill. The garden is producing a mountain of vegetables and we are busy making jams, marmalades and chutneys. In the absence of guests, we hope to sell these things online soon.
But we do not forget our friends and guests and hope to be able to at least welcome small numbers when possible. You are all very much in our prayers…. Please remember to pray for us and especially for the families of Sr. Mary Stella and Sr. Mary Bernard. Sr Stella’s brother in law, George, died recently as did Chris, the older sister of Sr. Mary Bernard. May they Rest In Peace.
August 16th
Today we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption, the feast of all Cistercians in particular. Happy Feast to each one. A reminder to pray for all those who are moving house and changing responsibilities this year. More news to follow soon…
Community news July 2020
Changes for the Bernardine community at Hyning
We were due to hold our General Chapter during this summer period, but we have had to postpone it until July 2021, because of Covid-19. S M Helen, her council, and the Prioresses of our communities will prolong their mandates for another year until the Chapter.
At Hyning, however, I will not be continuing my service as Prioress, because of my uncertain health. So the following decisions have been made:
S Elizabeth Mary will be Prioress at Hyning and S Maria will be Prioress at Brownshill. She will still be in charge of the novitiate, and Audrey, our novice, will go to Brownshill for the coming year.
S Michelle Marie is going to Brownshill as well. S Reina will be returning to Hyning.
I shall remain at Hyning, and am very pleased to be able to do so!
The changes will take place on or about the 15th August, solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady and Patronal feast of all Cistercian monasteries.
I am sure we can count on the support of your prayer during this time. We certainly do not forget to pray for you all, and we thank you for the tremendous support we have always received,
S Josephine Mary.
Phone update
Phone system up and running, though no guarantee it will stay there. (Thanks to an amazing telephone engineer called Stuart from Yorkshire!) Please be patient though if you ring in as we are just keeping it going until we look at options for a new system.
Phone system
Just to say that the thunder and lightning storm today has managed to knock out our very fragile phone system. Not sure when it can be repaired. Please email Sr. Mary Bernard or email via the web page and we will get back to you. I will post you a phone no. to ring when possible.
The community are still here, all in lock down until further notice. But we are praying very much for you all at this time. Recently work has been going on in the Garden and I’ve included some pictures of the repairs of the wall. The slideshow has been updated on Tuesday 9th June to show the finished work!