August news

In August we finished the work of the General Chapter. Previously we had announced the election of our superior, Sr. Elizabeth Mary, as the new General of the Order. On August 15th Sr. Mary Helen was appointed prioress of Hyning. Many of you will remember her as our prioress in 2006 to 2008. So we are pleased to welcome her home. Yesterday we said goodbye to Mary-Ann who has been living with us for a year’s experience. Our community here for 2022 consists of Sr. Mary Helen, Sr. Mary Joseph who is in Nazareth House, Sr. Mary, Sr. Mary Stella, Sr. Mary Colette, Sr. Mary Bernard, Sr. Michaela, Sr. Reina and Sr. Pauline, our junior.

The building work is nearly complete and we look forward to re-opening in the near future, no dates decided yet, not before October because of work needed on fire doors.

Sr. Michaela is recovering from surgery for cancer but is making good progress and counts very much on your prayers.

Posted on August 28, 2022 .

July news

Today we started our General Chapter, or in reality continued on from the work we began in September 2021. Please pray for the needs of the Order and the work of the new General Council. Changes in all the communities will take place and we will give news when that happens.

Work on the building project has been further delayed but much progress has been made. I hope to put some photos with this post. The first Slide show is from the First Floor, including the East Wing and LSR. The second is from the GRound Floor, including toilets! The third will be from the Top Floor and the Middle Section.

Posted on July 27, 2022 .

May building work progress

It’s been a while since we posted any updated photos. The work is going really well even with the presence of nesting bats in the roof, rather than the belfry, delaying roof works. All the legal procedures have been put in place though as bats are a protected species and the building contractors are observing all legal channels to ensure both the workmen and the bats are working in harmony.

Hammering, drilling and general working noise are a daily feature but the community have adapted to the noise and the sight of many vans and workers in the building area. Floors are being laid, walls being plastered and tiles are appearing on the ensuite areas. The completion date is still a while off but here are some pictures taken on Friday 20th May.

Posted on May 21, 2022 .

May news

In 2020 the Bernardines Cistercians of Esquermes were due to have a General Chapter. This involves the election of the new offices and the work of governing the Order. The pandemic led us to postpone the elections and meetings for a year. However Rome eventually allowed, with a series of conditions, General Chapters online with some limits. However, today, we elected Sr. Elizabeth Mary, present superior of the community at Hyning as our new Reverend Mother General. She will move to La Plaine but be based at Hyning until August. A lot of changes will follow in the following months. Today though,we ask for your prayer for our new Superior, all her intentions and the work entrusted to her.

Posted on May 18, 2022 .

Easter news!

Fortunately Easter lasts 7 weeks so it’s good to be able to wish you all Happy Easter knowing it is still the season of the resurrection. Unfortunately it hasn’t been as joyful as usual because of the Covid outbreak in community. Please be understanding if the phone isn’t answered or no -one appears on the door. We are taking measures to keep ourselves and our staff safe. We will update when we are open again and the streaming is back on.

Posted on April 24, 2022 .

Holy Week

For a few moments during Holy Week ponder this amazing fact….

Jesus Christ, the crucified and Risen Christ loves you and accepts you as you are. 

You don’t have to change; you don’t have to do anything.

You have his love here and now, in this place.

Do you believe that God loves you so much that Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled with God? 

His death was the ultimate expression of his love for you.

He gave up everything He loved so that He might gain your love.

Nothing will ever separate us from God’s love again.

The essence of this exercise is to accept the fact that Christ loves us unconditionally, that he is love incarnate.  How can this incredible fact not transform us?  At times we are too afraid to let God’s love pour out upon. God’s will be done yes, but God’s love may seem too scary, we may feel too unworthy. We are but it really doesn’t matter!  God will never demand that we love him as much in return, we cannot.  All he asks is that we accept his unconditional love, unconditionally. 

Think of St Paul’s passage to the Romans 8:31-38

“God did not keep back his own Son, but he gave him for us. If God did this, won't he freely give us everything else? 33If God says his chosen ones are acceptable to him, can anyone bring charges against them? 34Or can anyone condemn them? No indeed! Christ died and was raised to life, and now he is at God's right side, [e] speaking to him for us. 35Can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, suffering, and hard times, or hunger and nakedness, or danger and death? 36It is exactly as the Scriptures say, "For you we face death

all day long.

We are like sheep

on their way

to be butchered."

37In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. 38I am sure that nothing can separate us from God's love--not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, 39and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!”

Posted on April 10, 2022 .


The days seem to be flying by and it is already the 5th Sunday of Lent. Holy Week is nearly upon us! The building work continues to go well but the presence of bats in the roof may prove a potential problem! Apparently they are a protected species and cannot be disturbed while nesting. The rest of the work continues to progress well.

On the 9th April we begin our ‘2020’ General Chapter! It was postponed because of Covid and we are now having it online. We have had 5 preparatory sessions on Zoom during the course of the year. Friday 8th is a day of prayer and fasting with the official Chapter opening on Saturday. We ask for your prayers as we prepare to elect a new Reverend Mother General and Council over the course of the next 2 months and prepare for the future of the order. The main sessions will be in July. It is very exciting but at the same time also a time of uncertainty. We ask for your prayers over the coming months.

Posted on April 3, 2022 .


Some of you will already know this sad news and we have tried to contact as many people as possible over the last few days. On Wednesday afternoon, February 16th, our former superior, Sr. Josephine Mary, died after a long battle with cancer. She died peacefully in St. John’s hospice in Lancaster. Sr. Mary Helen, our Prioress General, was with her and over the previous few days, the community had been with her, praying and being with her as she journeyed to her eternal reward. Her funeral will take place at Hyning on Monday 28th February at 10 am. There will an evening service of prayer the night before and people are welcome to attend the funeral. In the light of Covid restrictions, please contact Sr. Elizabeth Mary if you would like to celebrate the life of Sr. Josephine Mary. . We thank you for your prayer and support at this time, especially the wonderful District Nurses from the surgery, care teams and the staff of St. John’s Hospice in Lancaster.

Posted on February 21, 2022 .

February news

A range of events and activities are happening at the moment. The daily life revolves around the demands of the building work, zoom meetings, formation courses, creative work and of course the Divine Office. We ask you for prayers for Sr. Josephine Mary as her cancer progresses and for Sr. Mary Joseph in respite care at Nazareth House, Lancaster.

On February 5th 2022 we hosted on Zoom, the religious and consecrated women of the diocese. Bishop Paul attended the opening prayer and Fr. Chris attended the session as Vicar for Religious.

The Icon studio reopens on Wednesday 9th February. The chapel is open for prayer and restrictions are gradually being lifted at Mass. Please still contact Sr. Mary Bernard before you come however.

We do not forget to pray for our our guests, oblates, friends. You can follow our services on Facebook and via the website.

Posted on February 6, 2022 .

Building work

The building work is continuing with much progress made. (It just looks like a bomb has hit us). The workmen are working very hard and in spite of hearing bumps, banging, loud noises, are very discreet. Asbestos is being removed and rooms are being demolished while at the same time we are busy looking at samples, carpets, colour schemes etc. We are having lots of meetings, especially Sr. Elizabeth Mary and she is working hard to organise meetings for us as well. Here are some of the pictured from the past 2 weeks.

Posted on January 14, 2022 .

January news

Happy New Year to all our guests, oblates, friends of Hyning. Just a general update to let you know how things are. The building work has started in earnest. There are just a few pictures but more will come.

Most of the asbestos has been removed, the scaffolding is up and the stripping of rooms has begun. You will notice that the front door is out of bounds and the site offices are being constructed if you come down our drive! Various doors are missing and corridors blocked off!

So far we are Covid free but we are praying for all those among our guests, families, friends who are affected at this time. Live streaming is continuing but we are still open for Mass. Contact Sr. Mary Bernard for details on times and access etc.

Posted on January 8, 2022 .

December news

The building work officially started on December 1st! Pictures will follow.

Some images from the Icon workshop last week.

The community will be on Radio Lancashire between 7 am and 9 am December 19th and on national radio at 8am!

Posted on December 5, 2021 .

Building work, Radio and icons!

The building work on the en-suite project starts on the 29th November. I hope to post updates of the work each week. The guest house is being emptied at the moment! If you want to use the shop facilities or the chapel, please contact Sr. Mary Bernard as the chapel is still available but the access to the house will be different. This will be a very disruptive project but also very exciting.

Before the work starts properly, Sr. Mary Stella is running a Icon writing day course, pictures will appear this week too.

On Wednesday 17th November we recorded an Advent service with Radio Lancs. It will be broadcast at 8 am on every BBC local station at 8 am, Sunday 19th December. See pictures below!

More news soon!

Posted on November 21, 2021 .

First professions!

Some photos of Sr. Audrey, one of 2 juniors making their profession today on Friday 1st October. Sr. Audrey made her First Profession at Brownshill and Sr. Annie made hers in Goma. Please pray for them as they continue their monastic journey. Not forgetting Sr. Reina making her Solemn Profession on the 10th October.

Posted on October 1, 2021 .


Dear all,

our email is not working properly at the moment. Please ignore whatever comes from there and do not send anything to that email.

If there is anything, just contact us by phone.

Thank you.

Posted on June 24, 2021 .

News of Goma

Volcanic Eruption – Goma – Democratic Republic of Congo  

Our Bernardines sisters ot the Monastère Notre Dame du Lac in the city of Goma were not directly touched by lava streams of the volcanic eruption of Mount Nyiragongo during the night of 22nd to 23rd May. However, since this first eruption, there have been continual aftershocks, some of them very violent. The monastery has many cracks and fissures. Subterranean magma is welling up in the region causing some wide fissures in the city, and the fear that there could be another eruption anywhere; this would be particularly dangerous if it occurs under Lake Kivu because of the toxic gases that would be released.  

On the 27th May, the military Governor of the city ordered the compulsory evacuation of ten districts, including the one in which our sisters live. Along with crowds of evacuees, they travelled towards Sake, where they were met by the Cistercian monks of Mokoto, who are kindly welcoming them for the time being. Our sisters are very grateful for this fraternal gesture.  

Please pray for the inhabitants of the Goma and Gisenyi region.  

Posted on May 28, 2021 .

Prayer initiative - Thy KIngdom Come...

Hyning is taking part in a national prayer initiative on Friday 21st May at Vigils. Our Vigils is part of a national link for prayer called Thy Kingdom come…

Click here for more details. It will be streamed through the Hyning Chapel page and the website.

Posted on May 19, 2021 .

Power cuts

There is electrical work in our area, 9:00 - 3:30 pm Friday 7th May. No Stations of the Resurrection and no internet/ phone system for most of the day. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Posted on May 6, 2021 .

Community Retreat

Vespers is at 5:30 pm till Monday 26th April. Vigils will be at 8 pm. The Community retreat starts today at 4:15 pm, be assured of our prayers during this time.

Posted on April 18, 2021 .